Rick Charls’ story combines the power of both his skills and his luck. He has touched glory with his fingertips in the fateful day of setting his world record.
Rick is a former high diver, world record holder (53mt/173ft) whose worldwide fame came decades later, all thanks to social media. To put his jump into perspective, it is like jumping from the top of a 20 storey high building into a pool! How incredible is that?
He believes in the power of his mind. Rick believes it is what absolutely made him achieve that world record all those years ago. His mind is still what propels him forward as he faces life away from the diving boards.
He has dedicated his young adult life to high diving, snagging the record at 24 years old. Fast forward to this decade, Rick is now a health teacher who fought hard to be qualified for a job that kept him close to his son.
In this interview, Rick talks about how his world-record changed his life. He also shares how to mentally prepare for impossible missions,. Finally, he talks about how to transition from glorious to ordinary without losing zest for life.
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