“Every strike brings me closer to the next home run.” Babe Ruth Success is not a given. Don’t be afraid of failure. Recognise that failure on the road ...
Work to live. Don’t live to work. Always find your balance. Make a point to setting boundaries and schedule. Only you control your work-life balance, so ...
Don’t Make A Living. Make A Life. The whole idea is that you dedicate your time and effort to do something that inspires you. That drive of doing what you ...
Grit Is What Separates Fruitful Lives From Aimlessness. The definition of Grit is: “perseverance and passion for long-term goals”. Research is now saying that ...
“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” ― Mahatma Gandhi 1. Be the Change If you want to see different results, you can’t continue ...
Excuses Will Always Be There. Opportunity Will NOT. We post regular inspirational quotes that will provide you with positive thoughts and energy.
To Go From Good To Great You Need To Work Hard. We post regular quotes and statements that will make you think and hopefully give you ideas on how to move ...
You Did Not Wake Up Today To Be Mediocre. Do things 100% today and every day. Think about it. Why wake up every day and not do everything 100%? Why go through the ...
Find The Wow Factor So what is “The WOW factor”? It is defined as a quality or feature (of something), that is extremely impressive and makes people ...