TIPS: Guie Hartney – Tips For Staff, Researchers Or Academics That Are Being Transferred Overseas


You can read and listen to this interview and learn from Guie Hartney through

  1. Innovator Diaries website
  2. Spotify – Episode 003
  3. iTunes – Episode 003

Go minimalist and sort out your taxes. These are the top 2 things a staff member, researcher or academic need to know when moving to a new country. In this episode of TIPS, Guie Hartney discusses why taxes and being practical matter most when being transferred overseas.

Figure out and strategize which options work best for you from a tax perspective. Does directing your income to the home company’s account have more benefits? Or is it better to move all your finances to an account in the host country? The rules applying to your contract may also change based on which country handles them.

One practical advice for staff members, researchers or academics that are being transferred overseas is to pack light.  Bring as little as you can when you move to Australia. There are many secondhand shopping options in Australia to build your house with. Another great tip is to find a place accessible to public transportation. This keeps your daily commute easier and cheaper.

These are just a few things to keep on the top of your list as you transfer to Australia. Hope you found these tips for staff, researchers or academics that are being transferred overseas useful.

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  1. Innovator Diaries website
  2. Spotify
  3. iTunes

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