8 Reasons Why Travelling Abroad is Important

Travel. Feel Alive.

8 Reasons Why Travelling Abroad is Important

International travel hit an all time high with 1.3 billion people travelling last year worldwide.

In Australia alone people from over 200 countries visited last year.

There are also 460,000 people coming to study down under annually:

  • 245,000 into Higher Education (Bachelors, Masters and PhD’s)
  • 105,000 for technical degrees (VET)
  • 70,000 for English language courses (ELICOS) and
  • 35,000 for schools and non awards (Study Abroad and Exchange)

But why should YOU travel?  Why is it so important?
Because it will make you grow as a person.


Here are the top reasons why travelling will bring so many positive things


  1. You Can Adapt to Globalisation

    Whether you like it or not, with the internet and social media, we are becoming global citizens. Many companies are now actively looking if the applicant lived abroad because this particular issue can give you a competitive edge. These days it is very likely you’ll end up with a job where you will travel on a constant basis, or you will make conference calls with international business partners. In our globalizing world it is important to be culturally sensitive.

  2. You Will Adapt to Globalisation

    Whether you like it or not, with the internet and social media, we are becoming global citizens. Many companies are now actively looking if the applicant lived abroad because this particular issue can give you a competitive edge. These days it is very likely you’ll end up with a job where you will travel on a constant basis, or you will make conference calls with international business partners. In our globalizing world it is important to be culturally sensitive.

  3. You’ll Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

    You may ask, why would you go abroad if you are living comfortably at home, where you have everything you need. You have an established comfort zone. You have a established job and good friends.
    However you learn the most in unfamiliar situations. You need to Embrace the discomfort. Search for it, because it is helping you grow.


  1. You’ll Build Confidence

    Confidence and ability to adapt in foreign situations will start building slowly once you arrive to a new place.
    You realize that despite the obstacles you CAN and will be able to do things.

    The more you do these things, the more you will start noticing that these obstacles seem less obstructive and you will start welcoming the challenges.
    Its only scary the first time you do it.


  1. You’ll Develop Cultural Sensitivity

    It is not enough to say “people from XYZ country are like this.”
    Being aware of cultural values can help us understand international issues and conflicts.

    In business you can even relate to the cultural norms of a foreign business partner.

    It is an important skill to be able to shift perspectives and see where someone else is coming from.
    In an increasingly globalised world, being culturally sensitive is key.

  1. (It is very likely) You’ll Learn a New Language

    When you are living in a foreign country you will be forced to challenge and practice your language skills on a daily basis. You will need to buy things, ask for food, look for a place to live etc.

    The reality is that if you speak another language it will only bring benefits. You’ll not only be able to connect with and understand other people. This will also be beneficial when looking for jobs, as this will give you a competitive advantage over others.

  1. You’ll Connect With Other Cultures and Will Give You Opportunities to Network.

    I came to Australia as an international 17 years ago.
    Since then I’ve made great friends from many parts of the world, and have learned so much from all of them just because we came from different countries. Meet as many people on your travels as you can. Try to meet and make friends with locals. It will definitely make your time abroad more enjoyable.Never underestimate the value of networking. This is a key point when working internationally.


  1. You’ll Break Your Everyday Life Routine

    Travel will break your routine. Sometimes it will make you feel uncomfortable. However this is key to learning, to feeling more alive, and to becoming more receptive. Travel wakes you up.

    When you travel, you will be in an unfamiliar place, where your surroundings, the language, the food and even the time of day is different. It makes you adapt to something totally new. You begin to understand things more clearly and it will even change your point of view towards certain things.

  1. You’ll (sometimes) Realise How Good Your Life Is OR How Better It Could Be.

    Depending on the country you are visiting, you will realise how comfortable your home is, how good your home country is and you will stop taking things from granted.

    Your experience could also be the opposite.

    You can also realise how better life can be, how things could be done differently. You can get inspiration on how to improve things. When you come back home you will start working hard, to make a change and you will even try to help people that unfortunately are not as privileged as you.


This is why travelling is so important in life.

Travel. Feel Alive.


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